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Professional Development Courses


One of the most in demand global services requires trained, effective, efficient and experienced personnel to deliver the quality service that is expected. Our courses deliver both physical and academic training to security personnel at every level, in a way that is industry focused and relevant.

# Course Title Start Date Finish date Price
11 Introduction to Investigations Tue, 27 February 2024 Tue, 19 March 2024 900 TTD Per Seat


Cost $900

In-Person 27th February

Online: 5th, 12th, 19th March 2024

To register or for more info:(868) 223-6999


Tutor: TBA TBA
Location: Montrose, Chaguanas
Level: Beginner
Capacity: 50 of 50
12 Managing Workplace Violence: Detention, Handcuff & Baton Sat, 24 February 2024 Sat, 24 February 2024 795 TTD Per Seat

Course Fee $795

COURSE DESCRIPTION: A wide array of workplace violence activities takes place regularly. This course treats with these, for instance, they occur, (1) employee on employee, (2) employee on customer/client, (3) customer/client on customer/client, and (4) employer on employee. These occur in all types of industries and organizations, for example, retail, financial, manufacturing, energy, construction, security, sales, etc. And, among the many acts, they include wounding, shooting, domestic violence, threats, intimidation, disruptive behaviour, etc.

In this course, organizational policies to deal with workplace violence as well as methods to prevent (e.g., through proper threat assessment), manage and solve such occurrences will be a main focus.

Another integral component of this course is the investigation of such workplace violence. The necessary principles and techniques will be covered.

Organizations should adopt a proactive policy to deal with workplace violence as lives, limbs and property can be saved. When these occurrences take place, they also give organizations a bad reputation. And, an organization's reputation is one that should be cherished and projected in a positive way at all times.


Day- Saturday 24th February, 9am-5pm

In-Class Session

CISPS Training Centre -  81-82 Montrose Main Road, Chaguanas 


To Register, contact us at 223-6999, 299-8635, 299-8636, 361-1024


13 Report Writing for Officers Wed, 03 August 2022 Sat, 06 August 2022 600 TTD Per Seat



COURSE DESCRIPTION: A law enforcement/Security officer will be required to write reports of varying technicalities based on his/her diverse work portfolios. These reports will include but is not limited to pocket diaries, post diaries, station diaries, reports of incidents, reports of investigations, progress reports, final reports, assessment reports, meeting reports, etc. A key factor is to write the report in the best possible way so that the right information is captured.

This course will not only explain the various types of reports and what is required in each, but it will train officers on how each type of report must be written - what should and should not be included. In reporting writing, there are some basic questions that must be asked and responded to in the document, for example, who, what, where, when, why, and how. These will all be adequately covered in this course.

For a law enforcement/Security officer to “move up the ranks” as they say, one key skill that is needed is sound report writing. This course gives such an aspiring officer the tools necessary. But, this can only come with practice. Importantly, the course will highlight to the security officer many of the common errors made and provide suggestions to correct such.




  1. Aug 3rd, (6-8pm), Aug 5th (6-9pm), Aug 6th (9am-12 noon) 
  2. Aug 6th (8am - 5pm)


Training by Qualified professional. Certificate Awarded. 

To Register for this course: Email us at info@caribbeansecurityinstitute.com or call us at 223-6999 or 299-8635/299-8636 or use this link - https://bit.ly/2Fd5CW4


14 Robbery Prevention and Response Sat, 01 February 2025 Sat, 01 February 2025 705 TTD Per Seat


COURSE DESCRIPTION: What are businesses are afraid of these days? Being robbed.

Through this course supervisors and managers in all types of businesses will gain the necessary knowledge and knowhow to implement the necessary action to prevent robberies from occurring, as well as, to secure the very valuable assets.  The patterns and techniques of these crimes have changed and it is in the business' best interest to be ahead of the criminals or face the reality that they will fall victim to this crime. Don’t wait until it is too late. Save your business and your employees from unnecessary financial loss and psychological effects. Don’t be responsible for not taking appropriate action.

Cost: $795 per online course

Training done by Qualified and Experienced Lecturer


Email us at info@caribbeansecurityinstitute.com or call us at 223-6999 or 299-8635 



15 Security Management -Managing Contracted & Hired Security Tue, 12 September 2023 Fri, 15 September 2023 695 TTD Per Seat

Online Courses are now $695.00!

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course tackles in a very serious way a regular problem whereby an establishment that hires contracted security is unable to secure satisfactory performance.

Participants will obtain a sound working knowledge of detailed bid specifications which for example will spell out what the requirements are including wages, benefits and performance expectations.

The materials presented will empower those responsible for managing the outside contractor with key management elements such as:

1. Post orders based on standing operating procedures (SOPs).

  • Policies of the protected enterprise.
  • Summary of required officers’ duties.
  • Avoidance of the problems of word-of-mouth instructions.
  • Provision of a basis for site-specific training.

2. Location or combination of activities.
3. Basic schedule setting forth the total number of officer hours required in a given week.
4. Handling replacements.
5. Role, function and responsibilities of a good security officer.
6. Supervising the Security Officer.



DATE AND TIME: 4 Day Program

12-14th September 2023 (6-9pm)

15th September 2023 (6-8pm)



 Training by Qualified professional. Certificate Awarded. 

 To Register for this course: Email us at info@caribbeansecurityinstitute.com or call us at 223-6999 or 299-8635/299-8636  


16 Security Management: Effective DisciplinaryTechniques Wed, 15 November 2023 Fri, 17 November 2023 695 TTD Per Seat


COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course addresses two very serious areas in security supervision, that is, identifying the need for various types of counselling interventions for employees who may be exhibiting particular social and psychological behaviours and attitudes that warrant redress. It will also empower persons to take preventative action where necessary. 

The security and public safety industry can be a very hectic and challenging one given its main area of business - crime, violence, burglaries, robberies, long hours of work, stressful working conditions, conflicts with co-workers, personal financial strain, etc. This scenario can negatively impact the physical and emotional well-being of persons, their job performance, the relationship with their families and friends, etc. If these issues are not identified and treated in a timely manner, they can escalate and have serious disastrous consequences.

The course will also expose participants on how to detect early signs through diagnostic testing and discuss the range of solutions that can be adopted to assist affected employees.

Unfortunately, at times, situations may warrant supervisors and/or managers in security and public safety organizations to initiate disciplinary action against staff for breaches they would have committed. This, of course, should be done after due process and in accordance to company policy (where there is one). But, is that company policy effective? Do staff repeatedly break company rules and why? Do staff find new ways to circumvent rules, how and why? How can you get disciplinary processes and disciplinary action to work positively for both company and staff? These critical issues will be covered in this course. Importantly, this course will assist companies in establishing disciplinary policies or enhancing those that already exist according to contemporary standards.

The course will also show how to blend appropriate reward systems with disciplinary protocols. It presents a wide range of disciplinary processes that is available for security and public safety officers. These include innovative options within verbal, written, directive, suspension, reduction in rank and dismissals categories. Key DOs and DONTS in disciplinary processes will be shared with all course participants to ensure that their organization improves its standards and get a more disciplined staff complement.



Certificate Awarded. Training by experienced and qualified Security Management Professional.


November 15th & November 16th (6pm - 9pm)

November 17th (6pm-8pm)

2 Days - 8 contact hours

COST: $695

To register for this course, please call us at 299-8635/8636 or email us at info@caribbeansecurityinstitute.com. 

17 Security Management:Leadership Techniques & Teamwork Mon, 02 September 2024 Fri, 06 September 2024 795 TTD


COURSE DESCRIPTION: In many security companies or institutions with security departments, a very serious and real challenge confronts them – how to manage and lead in a changing environment.  The course also delves into team work and how to make it more effective and productive.

This course covers various strategies and techniques that can be adopted by both institutions and individuals to make the best transition possible. Many H.R. management issues as well as psychological interventions are tackled in the course to “smooth” the change process out. By having a knowledge and know-how to lead a successful team is key to professional development. This course also identifies characteristics of effective team building and determines the characteristics of effective leadership. 

The course will also teach techniques in which the manager or supervisor may be able to conceptualise and internalise their leadership role and harness the many years of experience  to the benefit of the individual and the organization as a whole. 


Training by qualified and experienced Professional

Certificate of Participation Awarded

To Register: email us at info@caribbeansecurityinstitute.com or call us at 223-6999 or 299-8635/8636 




18 SECURITY OFFICERS: Know Your Rights Workshop Sat, 27 January 2024 Sat, 27 January 2024 695 TTD Per Seat

Course Fee $695 

(FACE-TO-FACE) In-Class Session

Date: Saturday 27th January, 2024
Time: 9:00am-5:00pm 
Venue: 81-82 Montrose Main Road, Chaguanas

For more info:
(868) 223-6999


Tutor: TBA TBA
Location: Montrose, Chaguanas
Capacity: 50 of 50
19 Security Risk Assessment and Management Mon, 23 September 2024 Thu, 26 September 2024 795 TTD Per Seat

 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides participants with a strong working knowledge of key instruments in determining security vulnerability and risks. For instance, participants will be trained to execute on-site examinations and analyses of an industrial plant, business, home or public or private institution to ascertain the current security status.

It identifies deficiencies or excesses, determine the protection needed and make recommendations to improve the current security situation. More specifically, participants will be taught to gather the following risk data:

• Geography and climate
• Size and configuration
• Social and political environment
• Internal activity
• Physical safeguards
• Fire and disaster
• Controls
• Indemnity

Importantly, the course instructs participants on the mechanisms to conduct such assessments to realize optimum customer satisfaction and safety.

 Certificate Awarded.
Training by experienced and qualified Security Professional. 

To Register for this course use this link - https://bit.ly/2Fd5CW4

Email us at info@caribbeansecurityinstitute.com or call us at 223-6999 or 299-8635/8636



20 Security Risk Management Tue, 13 December 2022 Fri, 16 December 2022 600 TTD Per Seat

Course Fee $600.00

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Security Risk Management is an extremely vital course for companies and organizations but it also can be aptly applied to an individual level as the concepts and tools are that powerful.

Among other things, participants will be exposed to the key principles of risk management for the effective management of security threats. Further, they will learn the various methods in identifying such threats or risk causes and how to deal with the important issue of assessing the effectiveness of existing controls to face these threats.

In addition, participants will cover the steps in determining the various risk consequences as well as prioritizing the risks by both likelihood and impact. Risk classification is another feature of this course.

At the end of the course, participants would have also covered the selection of appropriate risk options and risk responses – the what to do element for various types and levels of risks – to ensure the security and safety of the organization and all of its assets and stakeholders.





DATE AND TIME: December 13, (6-9pm), 15 (6-9pm), 16 (6pm-8pm) 




Training by Qualified professional. Certificate Awarded. 


To Register for this course: Email us at info@caribbeansecurityinstitute.com or call us at 223-6999 or 299-8635/299-8636 or use this link - https://bit.ly/2Fd5CW4




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