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Past Courses

These are previous courses held by the CISPS. Training is available in these areas for companies who wish to do in-house training for a group of their members of staff. 

# Course Title Start Date Finish date Price
11 Conducting Workplace Investigations Wed, 22 April 2020 Wed, 22 April 2020 1500 TTD Per Seat

Course Fee $1,500.00

COURSE DESCRIPTION: In all workplaces, incidents of all kinds occur that require effective investigations by quality trained personnel. Such investigations should be done according to the right principles and practices expected of such enquiries. Incidents may be non-criminal or criminal in nature – from simple to complex matters. This timely and cutting-edge course which is geared for all types of institutions teaches participants BOTH types of investigations.

Among other things, it will cover the various types of investigations, the range of techniques utilized in investigations and where each type is most suitable, the various requirements for a thorough investigation, and special issues such as interviewing, gathering of statements, dealing with witnesses, rights of persons, collection and preservation of various types of evidence, etc. In the end, the participant will be enriched with the necessary tools to conduct workplace investigations that can bring about a fair resolution to the matters before hand.



DATE: Wednesday 22nd April, 2020

TIME: 8:00am-5:30pm (8 contact hours)

VENUE: CISPS Training Center, 81-82, Montrose Main Road, Chaguanas.   

Certificate of Participation awarded.

Training by Experienced and Qualified Professional


                 To register for this course, call 299-8635/8636 or 223-6999 or email us at info@caribbeansecurityinstitute.com


12 Conducting Workplace Investigations - Intermediate  New'  Sale Wed, 24 May 2017 Wed, 24 May 2017 1250 TTD


Conducting a proper investigation in your organisation is important. Witnesses must be questioned, situations have to be evaluated and an investigation must be started to ensure that all the facts and information are properly recorded. Through this course, participants will get an opportunity to get a better understanding about writing investigative reports, lines of an investigation and participating in an actual investigation.


Wednesday, 24th May

8.00am - 5.30pm

CISPS Training Institute -  81-82 Montrose Main Road, Chaguanas

Cost: $1,250

Certificate of Participation awarded

Training by qualified and experienced professional

To register, call us at 229-8635, 299-8636, 361-1024, 223-6999

13 Contract and Procurement Fraud Sat, 30 November 2019 Sat, 30 November 2019 1250 TTD Per Seat

Investment: $1,250

The rise in contract management has created an increase in procurement fraud. This can occur at any stage of the contracting and procurement process. Appropriate controls, fraud prevention strategies and proper tendering processes are necessary in order to control this type of fraudulent behaviour. 

Organizations can be defrauded through collusion among bidders, between employers and contractors, and by sole procurement employees. Therefore, all persons in this field  need to be aware of the vulnerabilities and risks associated with fraud schemes that can manipulate the purchasing, procurement and contract functions. Acquire the knowledge, skills and techniques you need to prevent, detect and deter these devastating frauds.

Join us for this informative course and gain an understanding of this specific type of fraud.

Addtional Details

Date: Saturday 30th November, 2019

Time: 8:00am-5:30pm (8 hours)

Venue: CISPS Training Room 81-82 Montrose Main Road, Chaguanas

Cost: $1,250 per participant


Training by experienced and qualified forensic Professional

Certificate Awarded

For more details on this course, contact us at 223-6999, 361-1024, 299-8635/8636 or email us at info@caribbeansecurityinstitute.com


14 Criminal Law, Evidence and Criminal Procedures for Estate Constables and Security Personnel Wed, 21 October 2015 Wed, 21 October 2015 950 TTD Per Seat

Course Fee $950.00

COURSE DESCRIPTION:This course firstly contextualizes evidence and criminal procedures as an integral part of the entire criminal justice system. It then familiarizes participants with the fundamentals of criminal evidence as it pertains to the legal presentations of evidence in a criminal trial, and with the role of legal counsel.

Further, critical constitutional issues are examined that involve a variety of evidence from hearsay to physical evidence. Trial procedures such as expert witness testimony, police testimony and testimonial privileges are analysed.


Wednesday 21st October 2015 8:00am-5:30pm (8 contact hours)

T&T Bureau of Standards, 1-2 Century Drive, Trincity Industrial Estate, Macoya.


Level: Default
15 Crisis Communications and Emergency Planning  New'  Sale Wed, 17 May 2017 Thu, 18 May 2017 2000 TTD Per Seat

Cost: $2,000

Risks are a part of our everyday business lives. Understanding the elements of Crisis Management and Communication are crucial to adapting and responding appropriately. This two day course emphasises teaching useful strategies and techniques for analysing situations and making important decisions within limited time periods, information required for plans and resources to manage within teams.

Some of the topics to be covered include:

  • Understanding common features of a crisis
  • Know the Crisis Management Process
  • Understand the components of a crisis communications plan

Date:         Wednesday May 17th and Thursday May 18th, 2017
Time:         8.00am - 5.30pm
Venue:       CISPS, 81-82 Montrose Main Road, Chaguanas


Certificate of Participation awarded

Training by qualified and experienced Crisis Management Professional


To register for this course, call us at 299-8635, 299-8636, 361-1024 or 223-6999.



16 Critical Elements of an Investigative Report Sat, 25 January 2020 Sat, 25 January 2020 1250 TTD

Investment: $1,250


Writing an Investigative Report can be the most tedious task in the entire investigative process. This Report reflects on you as the investigator and of your investigation. It must therefore be clear, comprehensive, accurate and polished. This training programme leads to accomplishing these targets.
It focuses on writing the Investigative Report and covers the following areas:

  • What are the purposes of the report
  • What are the essential components
  • How should the sections be structured
  • What should be covered in each section

Additional Details

Date: Saturday 25th January, 2020

Time: 8am - 5.00pm

Venue: CISPS Training Facility - 81-82 Montrose Main Road, Chaguanas

Cost: $1,250


Training provided by an Experienced and Qualified Professional

Certificate Awarded


To Register for this course, please contact us at 223-6999 or 299-8635/8636 or email us at info@caribbeansecurityinstitute.com

17 Crowd Control Management and Procedures- Fetes, Sports and More! Wed, 04 December 2013 Wed, 04 December 2013 900 TTD Per Seat

Course Fee $900.00

COURSE DESCRIPTION: A crowd is usually a large number of people gathered together without orderly arrangement. As such, there is a high likelihood that disorder can prevail and the need will arise for police or security action for the maintenance of order. The course will focus on the causes of crowd formations, the different types of crowds, methods used to control potentially dangerous crowds, planning considerations and riot control force deployment procedures.

SCHEDULE (8 contact hours)

Wednesday 4th December, 8:00am-5:30pm

Bon Accord Conference Room, T&T Bureau of Standards, 1-2 Century Drive, Trincity Industrial Estate, Macoya.


18 Customer Service and Communication Skills for Security and Public Safety Officers Tue, 28 May 2019 Tue, 28 May 2019 1250 TTD Per Seat

Investment: $1250.00

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will examine two areas that are of critical importance for security officers – public relations/customer service and communication skills. These are areas that have direct impact on the success of the organizations in which security officers operate in. Failing to adhere to the main principles and practices of top quality public relations/customer service and excellent communication skills can lead to the detriment of organizations in terms of their customer-satisfaction levels. Normally, a security officer is the first person that a customer may meet when entering an organization. And, first impressions last! Therefore, this front-face to an organization must get it right – at all times.

The course will commence with the essential roles of public relations/customer service and communication for the security officer. Then, it will go deeper into the various elements of both areas. The dos and don’ts of customer service and communication will be tackled as well. Also, oral and written communication skills will be covered together with issues like non-verbal communication which includes issues like body language, physical appearance, etiquette, care for elderly or physically-challenged entering your organization, etc. With regard to oral/verbal communication skills, issues like tone, language, etc. will be covered.

Security officers are responsible for order in organizations like ensuring customers form lines, take a number, etc. This is a very “public” function that they engage in and must exercise this in a fair and efficient manner. Also, the deportment of security officers while on duty is another issue that will be tackled as it has severe implications.

At the end of the course, participants will be able to appreciate the role and importance of public relations/customer service and communication for the security sector, but more importantly, what he/she needs to do (or don’t do), to satisfy the customer/client in the best way possible.


Certificate of Participation Awarded. Training by experienced and qualified Security Professional.

DATES: Thursday 28th May, 2018

TIME: 8:00am-5:30pm (8 contact hours)

LOCATION: CISPS Training Center, 81-82, Montrose Main Road, Chaguanas.

Training by qualified and experienced Professional. 

Certificate Awarded. 

To register, contact us at 223-6999, 299-8635/36, 361-1024 or info@caribbeansecurityinstitute.com



19 Customer Service Techniques - Getting it right Thu, 10 November 2016 Thu, 10 November 2016 900 TTD Per Seat

Course Fee: $950

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Customer Service is one main facet of any organisation. How well you respond to a client can determine whether they would continue to do business with you or your organisation. All organisations should strive to provide excellent customer service to their customers to ensure they return. In Trinidad and Tobago, many organisations lack this imperative part of business relations and can lose out on future business endeavours.

This one day training will empower participants to:

Communicate effectively with the public

Be senstitive to their level of interpersonal skills and behaviours and commit themselves to a program of personal action for change

Be capable of responding efficiently to customers' needs

Have the knowledge and skills to enhance their internal and organisational relationships.

SCHEDULE (8 contact hours)

DATE: Thursday 10th November, 2016

Time: 8.00am - 5.30pm

Cost: $950 per participant


Training by Experienced and Qualified Professional

Certificate of Participation Awarded


Registration and Payment Deadline: Friday 4th November.


20 Cybercrime: Minimising Its Hit on Your Organization and You Thu, 10 May 2018 Thu, 10 May 2018 1250 TTD Per Seat

Course Fee $1,250.00

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Don’t be fooled to feel that you and your company are being spared from being victims of cybercrime. Cybercrime is a vastly growing type of crime that is costing ordinary individuals, companies and countries billions of dollars annually and is affecting everyone of us in some way or the other. With the rapid growth and easy availability of computers and related technology like smart phones, the environment is ripe for occurrences of cybercrimes.

This course will cover exactly what is cybercrime, its varieties, and what does it mean for individuals, companies and countries in terms of loss of privacy, financial losses, identity theft, espionage, etc.

Importantly, the course will expose participants on the many techniques that they can use in identifying the occurrence of cybercrimes in their personal as well as work-related lives.

Further, participants will uncover the relevant legislative arrangements in Trinidad and Tobago to identify, deal with, and protect persons and organizations from such incidents. Key emphasis will be placed on what to do to prevent and respond to such crimes if they occur. In other words, what can an ordinary citizen, a company do, a government agency or ministry do? In other words, key DOs and DONTs to follow.

We cannot exist in a world without the use of computers, technology and such communications. We therefore have to insulate and protect ourselves and organizations from such attacks. This empowering course does just that.


Thursday 10th May, 2018 8:00am-5:30pm (8 contact hours)

CISPS Training Centre -  81-82 Montrose Main Road, Chaguanas


To Register, please call us at 223-6999, 299-8635, 299-8636, 361-1024


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